Dairy-free Chocolate Smoothie

This is a smoothie for Vegans and those fitness enthusiasts or anyone looking to reduce their dairy consumption. I've you will find a very creative, healthy, and dairy-free chocolate smoothie in this video. This smoothie is great for breakfast, a mid-morning snack, or an evening snack. This is a perfect smoothie recipe for the people who prefer non-dairy smoothies. If you like chocolate but can't or don't want to eat dairy, you can still have a chocolate snack.

 All you need is dairy-free chocolate protein powder like pea protein powder or cacao powder, which are both inherently dairy-free. In a blender, combine a scoop of dairy-free chocolate protein powder with a teaspoon of cacao powder. Frozen banana or dried banana powder, nut butter, ground flax seed, and a plant-based milk like cashew or coconut milk are all good options. In just a few minutes, you'll have a chocolate dairy-free delight on your hands.

Click here to purchase ingredients needed to make the smoothie👉https://bit.ly/3swls3U
